Five Tips To Improve The Customer Experience At Your Service Desk
Unfortunately, IT departments often don't understand the importance of delivering great customer service to their end users. It's not as if the customers could choose to switch to an alternative support provider. Technically this is true however, it's also a mistake... Did you hear of a new-fangled thing called Google? At a recent IT service management (ITSM) conference in London an interesting point was made: "No ITSM tool vendor is the best in providing the technology needed to solve IT problems. This prize goes to Google." According to Forrester Research, only 17% of IT issues actually make it to the corporate ITSM . What happens to the other 83% go? End-users have consumer-driven expectations of Support and Self-Help End users are becoming increasingly technologically proficient and their expectations for IT are growing daily (to match the service experiences they experience in their daily lives). What is the reason they would choose to deal wi...